
Bnst 060 - Histochemical Characterization of the Dorsal Raphe

Three Types of Neurochemical Projection from the Bed Nucleus of the Stria  Terminalis to the Ventral Tegmental Area in Adult Mice | Journal of  Neuroscience

Journal of Neuroscience

Parabrachial Complex: A Hub for Pain and Aversion | Journal of Neuroscience

Journal of Neuroscience

Histochemical Characterization of the Dorsal Raphe-Periaqueductal Grey  Dopamine Transporter Neurons Projecting to the Extended A


How Human Amygdala and Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis May Drive  Distinct Defensive Responses | Journal of Neuroscience

Journal of Neuroscience

Histochemical Characterization of the Dorsal Raphe-Periaqueductal Grey  Dopamine Transporter Neurons Projecting to the Extended A


Brain functional networks associated with social bonding in monogamous  voles | eLife


Histochemical Characterization of the Dorsal Raphe-Periaqueductal Grey  Dopamine Transporter Neurons Projecting to the Extended Amygdala | eNeuro


Chronic pain–induced neuronal plasticity in the bed nucleus of the stria  terminalis causes maladaptive anxiety | Science Advances


Chronic pain–induced neuronal plasticity in the bed nucleus of the stria  terminalis causes maladaptive anxiety | Science Advances


Frontiers | Neuro-Inflammatory Response and Brain-Peripheral Crosstalk in  Sepsis and Stroke


Three Types of Neurochemical Projection from the Bed Nucleus of the Stria  Terminalis to the Ventral Tegmental Area in Adult Mice | Journal of  Neuroscience

Journal of Neuroscience

Increased BNST reactivity to affective images is associated with greater  α-amylase response to social stress

Semantic Scholar

Circadian regulation of membrane physiology in neural oscillators  throughout the brain

Wiley Online Library

A midbrain dynorphin circuit promotes threat generalization

Cell Press

Three Types of Neurochemical Projection from the Bed Nucleus of the Stria  Terminalis to the Ventral Tegmental Area in Adult Mice | Journal of  Neuroscience

Journal of Neuroscience

Recruitment of orbitofrontal cortex during unpredictable threat among  adults at risk for affective disorders - Kirlic - 2017 - Brain and Behavior  - Wiley Online Library

Wiley Online Library

Histochemical Characterization of the Dorsal Raphe-Periaqueductal Grey  Dopamine Transporter Neurons Projecting to the Extended Amygdala | eNeuro


Let's talk about sex: Mechanisms of neural sexual differentiation in  Bilateria - Roggenbuck - WIREs Mechanisms of Disease - Wiley Online Library

Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews

PDF) Chronic pain-induced neuronal plasticity in the bed nucleus of the  stria terminalis causes maladaptive anxiety


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